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February Lawn & Garden Checklist

What should I be doing to my lawn in February?

Even though spring may seem far off, there’s still plenty to do in February for lawn and gardens. Here’s a checklist of timely tasks that you can perform during the winter months for your lawn and garden:

  • Check bulbs for any mold or deterioration and remove the bad bulbs to prevent the issue from spreading.
  • Hungry for a fresh crop of vegetables? In warmer climates, start some lettuce now and you’ll have a fresh salad in no time!
  • Begin planting cole crops in warmer climates. In colder temperatures, you can begin seeding indoors. This includes broccoli, kale, spinach, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and turnips. For help, check out our article on planting cole crops.
  • Scout your yard for any fallen branches and cleanly prune the remaining branch according to proper pruning practices for your plant.
  • Sharpen mower blades now. Here’s a video on why sharp blades are important.
  • Apply a pre-emergent weed control to your lawn.
  • Begin planning your garden for the spring. Search online for garden plans such as the salsa container garden plan to the right.
  • Fill empty garden spaces with garden accessories such as statues, lighting, or bird attractions.
  • Visit your local independent garden center for winter sales and great deals on out-of-season stock.
  • Fill and rotate bird feed in feeders to avoid mold.
  • Check down spouts to avoid clogging and subsequent freezing.
  • Feed houseplants an organic plant food.
  • Re-pot houseplants that have outgrown their pots.
  • Till an organic fertilizer with corn gluten into garden beds to add nutrients and reduce weeds in the spring.

Like our February Lawn and Garden Checklist? Want more gardening tips and tricks? For the latest seasonal tips and DIY know-how, sign up for our e-newsletter, The Monthly Dirt, follow our social channels or give us a call.

Lawn Mower Blades
Salsa Container Garden