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Five Things to Know When Feeding & Seeding Fall Lawns

Here are some reasons why Fall is the best time to feed and seed.

  1. Seeding and fertilizing lawns in the fall helps to produce a thick and healthy lawn come spring. 
  2. As grass matures, it loses its ability to spread and create a thick, dense lawn. Overseeding lawns each fall will help prevent a thinning lawn and bare spots. 
  3. Before sowing grass seed, prepare the soil to maximize germination. Dethatching the lawn or using a power rake to loosen the soil allows room for more seed to germinate. If the soil is hard and compacted, consider renting an aerator or calling a professional lawn care service to have your lawn aerated before fall seeding. 
  4. Feed the seeds. After you seed apply a “starter” fertilizer like Recuperator 7-10-4 to help get seeds off to a healthy start, by reducing germination time, increasing germination rates, and helping develop a strong, sustaining root system. Starter fertilizers are formulated so they do NOT burn new seedlings. 
  5. Wait about two weeks for seedlings to fully establish before mowing in preparation for winter.

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Fall Lawn
Grass Seeds in Hand
Grass spreader on lawn