It's time for Tulips, Daffodils, and Hyacinth! Well, not exactly but it is time to plant the bulbs of these iconic spring flowers. Here are some tips for successful bulb planting.
- Plant bulbs in the fall at least 8 weeks before temperatures dip below 48°.
- Plant bulbs in well-drained soil.
- Plant the bulbs 6 – 8" below the surface (trowels usually have the depth marked on the blade).
- Mix the bulbs in with perennials for an interesting look in color and texture.
- Help bulbs establish a thriving root system before winter comes. Fertilize with Natural Alternative® 5-5-5 All Purpose Organic Plant Food. Mix Protilizer® Seed & Plant Activator with water and plant according to the directions below.*
- Don't plant bulbs in the shade. They'll grow up spindly with small or no flowers if you do.
- Don't cut the foliage back too early. Wait for it to completely die before cutting it back. The decaying foliage feeds the bulb for next year.
- Don't expect all bulbs to be perennials. Some bloom for just one season. Check the tag.
- Don't limit yourself. Try various colors, striped varieties and textures – like the Parrot Tulip.
If you're feeling ambitious, check out these 18 stunning spring bulbs from Garden Design Magazine.
*The first winter your spring bulbs are planted, it's imperative they send down roots.
- Dig the hole, fill it with the Protilizer® Seed & Plant Activator solution and set the bulb pointy side up.
- Mix one table spoon of Natural Alternative® 5-5-5 All-Purpose Organic plant food with the soil surrounding the hole and back fill. The bulb will absorb the phosphorus (the middle number) to produce flowers the first season.
Phosphorous is a stationery nutrient. It doesn't travel through the soil. That's why it's important to mix the fertilizer with the surrounding soil and backfill.